Health, Exercise Science, and Recreation Management
School of Applied Sciences, University of Mississippi

Recreation Administration Majors & Minors Association

Experiential education coupled with classroom instruction is essential to prepare future leaders for recreation, leisure, tourism, and sport positions.  The Recreation Administration program at the University of Mississippi strives to offer students valuable extracurricular education as part of each course taught and through the PRMA. The park and recreation majors association exists to 1) facilitate interactions among students, faculty and professionals, 2) represent the University of Mississippi, 3) provide the professional affiliation for students to collect, record, and benefit from continuing education units (CEUs).

student-association-01Examples of CEUs students may earn include volunteering at Special Olympics, Conservation Carnivals, Clean up Days, Girls and Boys Clubs, charity sport events, and for the American Red Cross.  CEUs can also be earned attending professional workshops, seminars and conferences sponsored by the Mississippi Recreation and Park Association , National Intramural Sports Association, National Recreation and Park Association, and other professional associations that prepare professionals for careers in recreation and leisure fields.  Other CEU opportunities include attending PRMA meetings and functions.  The PRMA sponsors CEU events that bring professionals and students together during on-site visits to Park and Recreation Departments, Citizen and Visitor Bureaus, Sport Franchises, and clinical and community therapeutic recreation agencies.

PRMA Association dues are $25.00 per year.


You may find the Recreation Administration Majors & Minors Association (RAMMA) on Facebook here!



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